2023 Barbara Benson Memorial Art Scholarships Winners
2023 Barbara Benson Memorial Scholarship
Student Biographies
Loyrn Baum from Tustin High School is aceramic artist and will attend Orange CoastCollege in the fall, majoring in studio art. AfterOCC, she plans on completing her degree at CalState Long Beach. Her goal is to own her ownbusiness and continue to teach others; Lorynbelieves that “art is sharing ones voice withothers”.
Rebecca Bledstein is a graphic designer fromBeckman High School and will enroll at Cal Poly SanLuis Obispo in the fall in Graphic Design. Aftergraduation she plans to continue working in thedesign industry and design merchandise formusicians.
Sunny Guo from Beckman High School is a mixedmedia artist and will attend Carnegie Mellon nextfall majoring in fine art. After graduation sheplans to continue to work as an artist and says “Imay have taken on new challenges,experimented with different mediums and styles,and found new ways to express my ideas andemotions”.
Mia Mravle is an instrumental musician fromBeckman High School and will study fluteperformance at The Boston Conservancy. Mia’sultimate goal is to be a performing artist whether itis performing in a pit orchestra, large symphony, orrecording studio. TACFA looks forward to Mia joiningthe pit in this summer’s Broadway in the Park.
Meena Senapathi is a photographer fromBeckman High School. Meena will enroll at NewYork University next fall to major in photographyand imaging. Her first goal is to earn an MFA fromYale University and follow her dreams to be ahigh school photography teacher, be aphotojournalist and travel the world, or teach at auniversity.
Mckenzie Siudzinski from Foothill High School is atheatre actor, director, and writer and will enroll atUC Santa Barbara, majoring in the creativearts/theatre. After graduating, her goal is tocontinue to tell stories as an actor, director, andwriter, sharing the unique way in which theatre canconvey story and humanity, and bring hope.
Morgan Wilbert is a graphic designer from Beckman High School. Morgan will attend Brigham Young University in the fall to majorin graphic design. After graduation her goal is to work in visual development as a creative director. Morgan believes “To be anartist is to be brave enough to evoke your life, love, and new understandings out into the physical world”.